Freitag, 30. April 2021



und wenn die bank kündigt ? Wenn Sie den Depotvertrag über die Verwahrung Ihrer Wertpapiere kündigen, sind Sie zivilrechtlich zur Rücknahme der für Sie verwahrten Wertpapiere verpflichtet

 Hinsichtlich der Nachricht Ihrer Bank kann ich Ihnen vorab das Folgende mitteilen:

Wenn Sie den Depotvertrag über die Verwahrung Ihrer Wertpapiere kündigen, sind Sie zivilrechtlich zur Rücknahme der für Sie verwahrten Wertpapiere verpflichtet. Sie müssten also vorher das Wertpapier auf ein anderes Depot, alternativ durch Verkauf oder Schenkung auf eine andere Person übertragen. Der Handel im beschwerdegegenständlichen Wertpapier findet an deutschen Börsen zurzeit nicht statt. Sofern an einer ausländischen Börse noch ein liquider Handel besteht, könnten Sie versuchen, das Wertpapier nach einem Depotübertrag bei einem anderen Broker mit einem entsprechenden Börsenzugang zu veräußern. Anderenfalls bliebe Ihnen im Grunde nur noch die von der Bank angebotene Möglichkeit, das Wertpapier mittels der Freihalteerklärung auf die Bank zu übertragen, es also wertlos auszubuchen.

Sofern Sie also damit einverstanden sind, dass ich für Sie an die Bank herantrete und dabei Ihre Eingabe weiterleite, geben Sie mir bitte kurz schriftlich oder per E-Mail Bescheid.

Miami (AP) -- Six American oil executives jailed in Venezuela more than three years ago on corruption charges were granted house arrest on Friday in a gesture of goodwill toward the Biden administration as it reviews its policy toward the politically turbulent South American country.


Venezuela Grants Jailed U.S. Oil Workers House Arrest, AP Reports

 Updated on 

Miami (AP) -- Six American oil executives jailed in Venezuela more than three years ago on corruption charges were granted house arrest on Friday in a gesture of goodwill toward the Biden administration as it reviews its policy toward the politically turbulent South American country.

The partial release of the six employees of Houston-based Citgo was confirmed to The Associated Press by family members of the men.

Tomeu Vadell, Jose Luis Zambrano, Alirio Zambrano, Jorge Toledo, Gustavo Cardenas and Jose Pereira were hauled away by masked security agents while at a meeting in Caracas just before Thanksgiving in 2017. They had been lured to Venezuela in order to attend a meeting at the headquarters of Citgo’s parent, state-run oil giant PDVSA.

The so-called Citgo 6 were granted house arrest once before — in December 2019 — only to be re-jailed two months later on the same day that President Donald Trump welcomed opposition leader Juan Guaidó to the White House.

In releasing the men, Maduro could be betting he’ll receive a better hearing from President Joe Biden, who on the campaign trail called Trump’s policy of regime change an “abject failure” that has served only to strengthen the socialist leader.

Earlier this week, senior Biden officials from several federal agencies were scheduled to meet to weigh U.S. options, including whether to ease up on crippling oil sanctions it inherited and take steps to support an uncertain attempt at dialogue between Maduro and his opponents, according to two people familiar with the plans.

The meeting, which was to be attended by Deputy Secretary of State Wendy Sherman, followed a series of moves by Maduro in recent days to grab Biden’s attention including yielding to longstanding U.S. demands that the World Food Program be allowed to operate in the country at a time of growing hunger.

In recent days Maduro’s allies have also quietly discussed with opponents the makeup of a new electoral council, joint efforts to combat the coronavirus and met with diplomats from Norway trying to revive negotiations to end the country's never-ending political crisis.

However, the continued imprisonment of Americans was seen as a formidable obstacle to any outreach.

Juan Gonzalez, the National Security Council’s senior director for the Western Hemisphere, told the AP in an interview Friday that to gauge Maduro's seriousness about any eventual negotiations he wanted to see “concrete steps by the regime, not words."

In recent weeks, former New Mexico Gov. Bill Richardson was among those working behind the scenes to press Maduro’s government to release the men, all but one of them dual Venezuelan-U.S. nationals.

“This is a positive and important step that should help secure their wellbeing during the COVID-19 outbreak in Venezuela,” said Richardson in a statement.

Richardson, who has opened back channels to hostile governments in Iran, Cuba and North Korea to win the release of some 40 Americans, vowed to work tirelessly to bring the men back home.

He also called for the release of Luke Denman and Airan Berry — two former Green Berets who participated in a failed raid last year staged from neighboring Colombia — and former U.S. Marine Matthew Heath, who is being held on unrelated allegations.

The six men were convicted of embezzlement last year in a trial marred by delays and irregularities. They were sentenced to between 8 and 13 years of prison for a never-executed proposal to refinance some $4 billion in Citgo bonds by offering a 50% stake in the company as collateral. Maduro at the time accused them of “treason.” They all pleaded innocence.

Also pushing for the men's release was Pope Francis. Cardinal Pietro Parolin, the Vatican's Secretary of State, sent a letter sent last fall to then U.S. Ambassador to the Vatican Callista Gingrich mentioning a letter by the Holy See's representative in Caracas to Venezuelan authorities urging clemency.

Parolin was scheduled to travel to Venezuela, where he previously serves as the Vatican's ambassador, to attend Friday's beatification of Jose Gregorio Hernandez, a 19th century Venezuelan MD dubbed “the doctor of the poor.” But the Vatican No. 2 cancelled the trip at the last minute, citing the coronavirus pandemic.

“We wish our loved one Tomeu were on a plane to the USA with unconditional freedom but are very grateful for this positive step made possible by Gov. Richardson & his team, Secretary of State Antony Blinken & the State Department, the Vatican, and other allies around the world,” the family of Tomeu Vadell said in a statement.

AP Writer Gisela Salomon in Miami contributed to this report.

Follow Goodman on Twitter: @APJoshGoodman

In keinem Fall werden wir die Veräußerung von Ihren Wertpapieren vornehmen ohne einen entsprechenden Auftrag von Ihnen

 wir nehmen Bezug auf die Nachricht von Herrn Koch vom 30.04.2021.

Wir können nicht nachvollziehen, was genau Herr Koch meint, wenn er von rechtswidrigen Gebühren spricht die durch uns erhoben worden sein sollen.

Vielmehr können wir die Schließung Ihres bereits zum 25.01.2021 gekündigten Depots / Kontos nicht abschließend bearbeiten, da sich noch immer ein Bestand in Ihrem Wertpapierdepot befindet.

Die verbleibende(n) Position(en) lauten (Menge, ISIN, Bezeichnung):

 10.000   USP17625AD98  11.95% VENEZUELA 11/31 REGS

Daher hatten wir Sie mit Nachricht vom 02.02.2021, 11.02.2021 und 30.04.2021 gebeten, uns für den Fall der Übertragung der Wertpapiere auf ein anderes Depot von Ihnen bei einer anderen Bank die notwendigen Angaben wie Depotinhaber, Depotnummer, Bankleitzahl und/oder BIC mitzuteilen.

Wir hatten Ihnen auch mitgeteilt, dass Sie alternativ telefonisch bei der onivsta bank auch einen Verkaufsauftrag für das Wertpapier erteilen können. Dies war ein alternativer Vorschlag und ist natürlich nur eine Option. In keinem Fall werden wir die Veräußerung von Ihren Wertpapieren vornehmen ohne einen entsprechenden Auftrag von Ihnen. Jedoch fordern wir Sie hiermit erneut auf uns mitzuteilen, wie weiter mit Ihren Wertpapieren verfahren werden soll, damit wir die Kontoschließung abwickeln können.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen

Ihr onvista bank Team
Katrin Hofmann

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Donnerstag, 29. April 2021

Sinovac impfen lassen. Das ist ein Totimpfstoff, dessen Wirkprinzip seit der Pocken-Impfung tausendfach erprobt ist. Das Zeug wirkt womöglich nicht richtig, kann aber zumindest auch nicht schaden."

 Der Epidemiologe Alexander Kekulé hält Astrazeneca und andere Vektorimpfstoffe für Impfstoffe zweiter Klasse. "Das muss man wohl so feststellen", sagt er im Interview mit "Aber auch mit einem zweitklassigen Impfstoff kann man sich ausreichend schützen, genauso wie man nicht nur in der ersten Klasse der Bahn ans Ziel kommt." Die Welt könne froh sein, dass es die Vektorimpfstoffe gebe- zumindest solange die mRNA-Impfstoffe noch nicht ausreichend verfügbar seien. Auch er selbst würde sich mit Astrazeneca oder einem anderen Vektorimpfstoff impfen lassen, so Kekulé. "Ich würde das machen. Bei Sputnik gibt es allerdings bislang keine Daten. Ich hätte mich auch mit der chinesischen Geheimwaffe von Sinovac impfen lassen. Das ist ein Totimpfstoff, dessen Wirkprinzip seit der Pocken-Impfung tausendfach erprobt ist. Das Zeug wirkt womöglich nicht richtig, kann aber zumindest auch nicht schaden."

Mittwoch, 28. April 2021

Argentina’s Shale Industry Rattled by Social Unrest in Patagonia By Jonathan Gilbert 27. April 2021, 23:01 MESZ Extra fuel imports seen as Vaca Muerta drilling grinds to halt Roadblocks enter fourth week as workers protest 43% inflation


Argentina’s Shale Industry Rattled by Social Unrest in Patagonia

    Extra fuel imports seen as Vaca Muerta drilling grinds to halt
    Roadblocks enter fourth week as workers protest 43% inflation

Blockades of roads to Argentina’s shale fields in Patagonia are set to enter their fourth week as health workers on the front lines of the pandemic demand salary increases to keep pace with one of the highest inflation rates in the world.

Local hospital workers are stopping oil equipment and crews from getting to drill sites in the Neuquen Basin, home to vast shale patch Vaca Muerta, just as winter sets in and Argentina’s natural gas demand surges, which will force the cash-strapped government to import more fuel. The blockades are also disrupting trucking routes to Chile.

Argentina’s government will mix supplies by pipeline from neighboring Bolivia with imports at its two floating facilities for liquefied natural gas and purchases of other liquid fuels for power generation to make up for the shortfall as cheaply as possible, Energy Secretary Dario Martinez said in a statement.

Currently, natural gas production in Neuquen has fallen about 10% from usual levels, but the real impact will be felt in the weeks ahead as drilling stoppages now cause steeper drops down the line. Seventy crews that operate drilling rigs and hydraulic fracturing fleets are unable to work. That’s nearly all the crews in Neuquen, according to the Argentine Oil & Gas Production Chamber.

Shale Dream

Production from Vaca Muerta has stalled over the last 18 months

Source: Oil companies based on Energy Secretariat data

The blockades are reducing Argentina’s capacity to supply natural gas this winter by 25 million cubic meters a day, the group said. Production in June, the start of winter, has averaged 133 million cubic meters a day in the last three years.

Read More: Biggest Shale Play Outside of Texas Gets $5.1 Billion Lifeline

Buying replacement fuels will weaken Argentina’s trade balance by about $200 million, with that figure rising for every day the protests extend and new wells can’t be drilled, according to company estimates. Argentina needs trade surpluses to jump-start an economy that has been in recession for three years and support its currency, which continues to weaken, contributing to inflation.

There was some good news on Tuesday for shale drillers enduring their 21st day of the blockade, including state-run YPF SA, Chevron Corp. and Royal Dutch Shell Plc, as a group of protesters agreed to wage rises, though non-unionized workers are yet to do so.

Read More: Argentina Prices Jump More Than Expected to 18-Month High

Curtailed production in Vaca Muerta, the world’s second-biggest shale gas formation, showcases how damaging Argentina’s inflation problem is becoming, with the negative impacts spilling over from macroeconomics to commodities as periodic strikes over pay by a slew of trade unions -- from soybean processors to tugboat pilots -- also hamper the country’s influential agriculture industry. Inflation hasn’t dropped below 36% annually since August 2018.

The blockades point to the broader challenges that Argentina faces in Vaca Muerta, where the government wants to mimic the U.S. shale boom. Output before the dispute with the health workers was still just 316,000 barrels a day. In the Permian Basin, drillers are expected to produce 4.6 million barrels a day of crude alone next month

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