Dienstag, 16. November 2021

To the Republic’s knowledge, plaintiffs in Germany have succeeded in attaching monies of the Republic held with paying agents (for the payment of interest on other Government debt). Some creditors have also attached the Republic’s claims against other plaintiffs (i.e., those who withdrew their claims against the Republic or lost their actions in whole or in part), who are liable for the Republic’s costs (statutory attorneys’ fees and, if applicable, court fees) under Germany’s “losing party pays” system

 Litigation in Germany

Several bondholders commenced proceedings in Germany seeking to obtain pari passu relief similar to the relief granted by New York Courts. German courts at both the trial and appellate level have declined to grant such relief.

Plaintiffs who try to execute on their judgments may not attach assets used for diplomatic or consular purposes, such as bank accounts of the Republic’s embassy and consulates. To the Republic’s knowledge, plaintiffs in Germany have succeeded in attaching monies of the Republic held with paying agents (for the payment of interest on other Government debt). Some creditors have also attached the Republic’s claims against other plaintiffs (i.e., those who withdrew their claims against the Republic or lost their actions in whole or in part), who are liable for the Republic’s costs (statutory attorneys’ fees and, if applicable, court fees) under Germany’s “losing party pays” system, to the extent the amount of such claims had not been set off

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