Donnerstag, 28. April 2022

Mendoza’s 2029 bonds, which begin amortizing in March, have climbed 3.6 cents this month to 70.2 cents on the dollar, while oil-backed notes from the southern province of Chubut that begin paying principal this month have jumped 4.4 cents to 81.5 cents on the dollar. Bonds from Córdoba Province due in 2027 have also climbed more than 4 cents in April to 70 cents on the dollar. The province, which restructured its notes last year without missing payments, also boasts the nation’s top performing government notes, according to Bloomberg’s Emerging Markets Index, returning 13 percent year to date.


Bond chaos in Argentina sparks traders’ rush to provincial notes

Investors are snapping up securities issued by the provinces of Córdoba, Neuquén, Mendoza and Chubut, turning them into the nation’s top performers this month.

Just two years after Argentina’s latest default, traders are all but sure the country is heading toward another debt disaster. But amid all the doom-and-gloom, a surprising trade has popped up that’s produced rich rewards.

Investors are snapping up securities issued by the provinces of Córdoba, Neuquén, Mendoza and Chubut, turning them into the nation’s top performers this month. The rally has extended this year’s returns on some of the notes to as high as 13 percent, a somewhat remarkable feat given that dollar bonds globally suffered their worst quarter in almost six years. Sovereign debt has dropped 2.4 percent this month and 4.8 percent this year.

After the gains for the provinces, the securities now yield less than the sovereign, implying they’re less risky. That’s the opposite of most countries, where federal government bonds are usually seen as the safest option. But junk-rated Argentina has dodgy finances and a track record of three defaults since the turn of the century, and investors are signaling they expect a fourth.

Another factor driving interest in the provinces is that their bonds amortise – that is, begin paying back principal before the final maturity. The theory is that if bondholders can hold on for just a few payments, they’ll be able to make their money back much faster than they could have with sovereign notes.

“Investors will get value from the cash flows,” said Juan Manuel Pazos, an analyst at TPCG Valores in Buenos Aires. “History shows that provincial defaults only happen after the sovereign defaults, not before. So it made no sense for provinces to have a higher, steeper probability of default than the sovereign.”

To be sure, buying the junk-rated provincial bonds isn’t for the faint of heart given the high probability the federal government will default over the next few years. Sovereign defaults in the past have been followed by missed payments by many of the provinces months later.

“The risk is still skewed to the downside,” said Ezequiel Zambaglione, an analyst at Balanz Capital Valores in Buenos Aires. “Revenue is almost 100 percent correlated with the sovereign, and spending or potential restructuring decisions are highly affected by politics.”

Investors seem all but certain that Argentina will default after 2024, when its debt payments are set to increase significantly. Despite a programme with the International Monetary Fund to reduce a yawning fiscal deficit and reduce money printing from the Central Bank, they see inflation and a weakening currency eroding the country’s ability to pay and impeding its return to international markets.

But even if a default will be hard to avoid, the provinces have a track record of offering better restructuring terms than the sovereign. While the federal government’s US$65-billion debt workout two years ago left investors with about 55 cents on the dollar, some provinces offered deals worth as much as 80 cents.



Mendoza’s 2029 bonds, which begin amortizing in March, have climbed 3.6 cents this month to 70.2 cents on the dollar, while oil-backed notes from the southern province of Chubut that begin paying principal this month have jumped 4.4 cents to 81.5 cents on the dollar.

Bonds from Córdoba Province due in 2027 have also climbed more than 4 cents in April to 70 cents on the dollar. The province, which restructured its notes last year without missing payments, also boasts the nation’s top performing government notes, according to Bloomberg’s Emerging Markets Index, returning 13 percent year to date.

The outperformance is a result of provinces like Cordoba and Mendoza being more fiscally sound than the national government, according to Nathalie Marshik, a managing director for fixed income at Stifel Nicolaus & Co.

“It’s a combination of the sovereign being a mess and the provinces having better balance sheets,” Marshik said. “It’s creating some demand.”

Montag, 25. April 2022

Nach ihrem Besuch in Kiew verbreiten US-Verteidigungsminister Austin und Außenminister Blinken Zuversicht: "Sie können gewinnen, wenn sie die richtige Ausrüstung haben."


Öl-Depots in Russland stehen in Flammen

Erneut stehen russische Infrastruktureinrichtungen in der Nähe zur ukrainischen Grenze in Flammen. Einmal mehr handelt es sich um Anlagen in Orten, die Moskau für seinen Krieg im Nachbarland nutzt. Bislang sind die Hintergründe unklar.

Samstag, 23. April 2022

Mutmaßliche Kriegsverbrechen in der Ukraine beschäftigen auch die deutsche Justiz. "Wir haben hier erfolgreich syrische Kriegsverbrecher vor Gericht gestellt. Nach diesem Muster gehen wir jetzt auch vor", sagt Bundesjustizminister Marco Buschmann

 Mutmaßliche Kriegsverbrechen in der Ukraine beschäftigen auch die deutsche Justiz. "Wir haben hier erfolgreich syrische Kriegsverbrecher vor Gericht gestellt. Nach diesem Muster gehen wir jetzt auch vor", sagt Bundesjustizminister Marco Buschmann dem Fernsehsender Phoenix. Der Generalbundesanwalt sichere derzeit entsprechende Beweise. "Das Strukturermittlungsverfahren, wo man Beweismittel sichert und auch herausarbeitet, wer wo welche Verbrechen begangen hat, ist schon begonnen worden", sagt Buschmann weiter. Demnach werden etwa Zeugenaussagen aufgenommen und Fotos und Videos gesammelt und gesichtet.

Seit Jahren sind Schröder und Putin eng befreundet.

 Schröder berichtet von Treffen

"Putin will den Krieg beenden. Aber ..."


Seit Jahren sind Schröder und Putin eng befreundet.

(Foto: imago images/ITAR-TASS)

Im März trifft sich Altkanzler Schröder in Moskau mit Russlands Präsident Putin. Allerdings kann Schröder seinen Freund nicht dazu bewegen, den Krieg in der Ukraine zu beenden. Nun erzählt er in einem Interview von den Umständen des Treffens - und nimmt den russischen Präsidenten in Schutz.

In einem Interview mit der "New York Times" berichtete Altkanzler Gerhard Schröder von seiner umstrittenen Reise nach Moskau im März, wo er mit dem russischen Präsidenten Wladimir Putin gesprochen hatte. Schröder gilt als enger Freund von Putin. Er sei im Kreml wie ein Staats- oder Regierungschef empfangen worden, erzählte Schröder dem Blatt. So wie Scholz und der französische Präsident Emmanuel Macron wenige Wochen zuvor, habe er mit dem russischen Präsidenten an einem inzwischen berühmt gewordenen sechs Meter langen Riesentisch gesprochen.

Zu den Details des Gesprächs mit Putin sagte Schröder in dem Interview nichts, verriet aber: "Was ich Ihnen sagen kann ist, dass Putin daran interessiert ist, den Krieg zu beenden. Aber das ist nicht so leicht. Da gibt es ein paar Punkte, die geklärt werden müssen." Es war das erste Mal seit Beginn des Ukraine-Kriegs, dass Schröder sich in einem Interview geäußert hat. Dabei nahm er Putin auch in Schutz, als es um das Massaker im Kiewer Vorort Butscha ging. Er glaube nicht, dass die Befehle von Putin gekommen seien, sondern von niedrigeren Stellen, sagte Schröder der Zeitung. Er sei aber auch der Meinung: "Das muss untersucht werden."

Schröder gab auch zu Bedenken, was es aus seiner Sicht für negative Folgen hätte, sich jetzt von Putin zu distanzieren. Er würde damit das Vertrauen des einzigen Mannes verlieren, der den Krieg beenden könne: Putin. Allerdings war er von dem Gespräch mit dem russischen Präsidenten, trotz der jahrelangen Freundschaft, mit leeren Händen zurückgekehrt.

In Moskau habe er zudem mit Putins Berater Wladimir Medinski und dem Oligarchen Roman Abramowitsch gesprochen, sagte Schröder in dem Interview. Die Initiative für die Moskau-Reise ging Schröders Angaben zufolge von ukrainischer Seite aus, den Kontakt habe das Schweizer Medienunternehmen Ringier hergestellt. Bundeskanzler Olaf Scholz war über die Reise nach eigenen Angaben nicht informiert.

Der ukrainische Parlamentarier Rustem Umerow habe ihn vor der Reise nach Moskau bei einem Treffen in Istanbul über die ukrainischen Positionen informiert, so Schröder. Nach dem Gespräch mit Putin habe es ein weiteres Treffen mit Umerow in der türkischen Metropole gegeben. Danach sei der Kontakt abgebrochen. Er sei aber bereit, mit beiden Seiten wieder zu sprechen, sagte Schröder der "New York Times".

Quelle:, kst/dpa

Damit kann Russland sowohl über den Nord- als auch über den Südpol angreifen und Ziele weltweit erreichen. Die ersten Einheiten sollen im sibirischen Großbezirk Krasnojarsk stationiert werden.

 Die russischen Streitkräfte kündigen an, ihre neue Interkontinentalrakete Sarmat ab Herbst in Dienst zu stellen. Es gehe jetzt darum, die Raketentests zu einem vernünftigen Abschluss zu bringen, die Reichweiten zu regulieren und die Sarmat (Nato-Codename: SS-X-30 Satan 2) dann dem Militär zu übergeben, sagt der Chef der Raumfahrtbehörde Roskosmos, Dmitri Rogosin, in einem Fernsehinterview. "Wir planen das nicht später als im Herbst", fügt er hinzu. Am Mittwoch hatte Russland auf dem nordrussischen Weltraumbahnhof Plessetzk einen Testabschuss mit der Interkontinentalrakete durchgeführt. Die Sarmat hat eine Reichweite von 18.000 Kilometern und ist mit atomaren Sprengköpfen bestückbar. Damit kann Russland sowohl über den Nord- als auch über den Südpol angreifen und Ziele weltweit erreichen. Die ersten Einheiten sollen im sibirischen Großbezirk Krasnojarsk stationiert werden.

FDP-Chef Christian Lindner tritt für die Lieferung von schweren Waffen an die Ukraine ein und zeigt sich von einer Niederlage Russlands in dem Angriffskrieg überzeugt. Die ukrainischen Streitkräfte setzten sich der russischen Aggression zur Wehr und kämpften damit auch für die westlichen Werte, sagte Lindner vor dem Bundesparteitag der Liberalen in Berlin. "Und deshalb muss die Ukraine diesen Krieg gewinnen, und die Ukraine wird diesen Krieg gewinnen", sagte Lindner in

 FDP-Chef Christian Lindner tritt für die Lieferung von schweren Waffen an die Ukraine ein und zeigt sich von einer Niederlage Russlands in dem Angriffskrieg überzeugt. Die ukrainischen Streitkräfte setzten sich der russischen Aggression zur Wehr und kämpften damit auch für die westlichen Werte, sagte Lindner vor dem Bundesparteitag der Liberalen in Berlin. "Und deshalb muss die Ukraine diesen Krieg gewinnen, und die Ukraine wird diesen Krieg gewinnen", sagte Lindner in seiner Rede, die er wegen einer Corona-Infektion zugeschaltet aus der Isolation in Washington hielt. Es müsse alles dafür getan werden, der Ukraine zum Sieg zu verhelfen.

Freitag, 22. April 2022

Neben der Ankündigung der US-Notenbank Fed, die Zinsen bald um einen halben Prozentpunkt anzuheben, drücken auch die Folgen des Lockdowns in Shanghai auf die Stimmung an der Wall Street. Ein möglicher Rückgang der China-Nachfrage schlägt sich in den Rohstoffpreisen nieder.

 Dow Jones verliert 2,8 Prozent

Zinsangst hat Börse weiter im Griff

Ein Händler arbeitet an der New Yorker Börse.

Auf die Stimmung schlugen vor allem die jüngsten Aussagen des US-Notenbankchef Jerome Powell, der für Mai eine Anhebung um einen halben Prozentpunkt signalisiert hatte.

(Foto: Allie Joseph/NYSE/XinHua/dpa)

Neben der Ankündigung der US-Notenbank Fed, die Zinsen bald um einen halben Prozentpunkt anzuheben, drücken auch die Folgen des Lockdowns in Shanghai auf die Stimmung an der Wall Street. Ein möglicher Rückgang der China-Nachfrage schlägt sich in den Rohstoffpreisen nieder.

Die Aussicht auf deutliche Zinserhöhungen der US-Notenbank Fed veranlasst Anleger zum Rückzug von der Wall Street. Enttäuschende Geschäftszahlen einiger Unternehmen belasten die Börse zusätzlich. Der Dow Jones verlor 2,8 Prozent auf 33.811 Punkte. Der technologielastige Nasdaq gab 2,6 Prozent auf 12.839 Punkte nach und der breit gefasste S&P 500 büßte 2,8 Prozent auf 4272 Punkte ein. Im Wochenverlauf fiel der Dow 1,85 Prozent, der S&P 2,75 Prozent und die Nasdaq 3,8 Prozent.

Nasdaq Composite
Nasdaq Composite 12.839,29

Auf die Stimmung schlugen vor allem die jüngsten Aussagen des US-Notenbankchef Jerome Powell, der für Mai eine Anhebung um einen halben Prozentpunkt signalisiert hatte. "Der Markt befürchtet, dass die Fed die Inflationsangst zu sehr schürt und die Unternehmensgewinne in Zukunft einbrechen lassen könnte", sagte Peter Cardillo, Chef-Volkswirt des Vermögensberaters Spartan.

Im späten Handelsverlauf sprach sich dann zwar die Notenbankerin Loretta Mester von der Fed Cleveland gegen eine Erhöhung um 75 Basispunkte aus, die die Märkte "schockieren" würde. Aber auch sie kündigte ihre Unterstützung für einen Zinsschritt von 50 Basispunkten an.

Lockdowns trüben Konjunkturaussichten

Sorgen bereiteten Börsianern neben dem Krieg in der Ukraine die Pandemie-Beschränkungen in China. "Ursprünglich sollte es nur ein kurzer Lockdown für Shanghai sein", sagte Analyst Wenyu Yao von der Bank ING. "Jetzt dauert er schon über einen Monat und niemand weiß, wann er endet." Ein möglicher Rückgang der China-Nachfrage schlug sich in den Rohstoffpreisen nieder. Die US-Rohölsorte WTI gab 2,5 Prozent auf 101,18 Dollar je Barrel (159 Liter) nach. Für Letztere sei dies aber nur ein kurzfristiger Rücksetzer, gab Analyst Stephen Brennock vom Brokerhaus PVM Oil Associates zu bedenken. "Ein EU-Boykott russischer Energielieferungen wird zwangsläufig zu höheren Preisen führen."

Gap 10,72

Zu den größten Verlierern am US-Aktienmarkt zählte Gap mit einem Kursminus von knapp 18 Prozent. Wegen der schwächelnden Konjunktur und Problemen bei der Marke Old Navy rechnet die Modefirma für das erste Quartal mit einem Rückgang der Erlöse um bis zu etwa 15 Prozent. Bislang war ein Minus im hohen einstelligen Prozentbereich angekündigt worden. Er halte die aktuellen Kursverluste aber für eine Kaufgelegenheit, schreibt Analyst David Swartz vom Research-Haus Morningstar. Gap sei weit davon entfernt in ernsthafte finanzielle Schwierigkeiten zu geraten. Im Sog von Gap gaben die Aktien von Abercrombie & Fitch, American Eagle, Urban Outfitters und der "Calvin Klein"-Mutter PVH bis gut neun Prozent nach.

Bei Verizon überschattete ein verhaltener Ausblick den überraschend geringen Kundenschwund. Der Mobilfunker erwartet für 2022 einen Gewinn am unteren Ende der angepeilten Spanne von 5,40 bis 5,55 Dollar je Aktie. Der Umsatz werde wohl eher um neun statt zehn Prozent wachsen. Verizon arbeite in einem hart umkämpften Markt, schrieben die Analysten des Research-Hauses Zacks. Neben Marketingausgaben und Rabatten zur Kundenwerbung seien die Kosten für Mobilfunk-Frequenzen ein Risikofaktor für die Ertragskraft. Verizon-Titel fielen um 5,6 Prozent.

Die Papiere von Kimberly-Clark verbuchten dagegen ein Plus von 8,1 Prozent. Dank einer starke Nachfrage peilt der Anbieter von "Kleenex"-Papiertüchern für 2022 ein Umsatzplus von zwei bis vier statt ein bis zwei Prozent an. Analysten hatten eine Prognosekürzung befürchtet, weil Verbraucher auf günstigere No-Name-Produkte ausweichen könnten.

Quelle:, lve/rts

Game-changer? Argentina launches tender for construction of enormous gas pipeline President Alberto Fernández on Thursday launched a tender for construction of an enormous gas trunk pipeline beginning at Vaca Muerta gas field. What is the ‘Gasoducto Néstor Kirchner’ and why is it so important for Argentina?


Game-changer? Argentina launches tender for construction of enormous gas pipeline

President Alberto Fernández on Thursday launched a tender for construction of an enormous gas trunk pipeline beginning at Vaca Muerta gas field. What is the ‘Gasoducto Néstor Kirchner’ and why is it so important for Argentina?

Argentina's government on Thursday launched the tender for the construction phase of a gas pipeline megaproject that will eventually extend more than 1,000 kilometres (621 miles), running from southwest province of Neuquén to north of Buenos Aires.

If completed, the Gasoducto Néstor Kirchner, or Néstor Kirchner Pipeline, would be the largest natural gas project in Argentina in the last four decades. 

Its aim is nothing less than the transformation of Argentina's fuel transport capacity for both domestic use and exports. Experts say it could make the country a major energy producer.

The project, however, will take some time, though it comes at a time when worldwide energy costs have shot up due to Russia's invasion of Ukraine. The tender will be launched in May, with a decision due in July. The first stage of the project is due to cost US$1.5 billion, beginning in August and ending in 2024.

In an official ceremony at the Complejo Loma Campana YPF site at the Vaca Muerta deposit in Neuquén Province, President Fernández celebrated "the start of work to create the Néstor Kirchner Pipeline."

"Gas is the transition energy that the world has decided to have in order to move towards renewable energies," he said, declaring that "Vaca muerta is more alive than ever.”

"Today there is a geopolitical situation that makes it possible for Argentina to accelerate the development of the energy sector. We face an opportunity that requires increasing infrastructure capacity, such as this pipeline," said Economy Minister Martin Guzman in a recorded message played at the event.

Fernández, addressing those gathered, said that Argentina needed the pipeline “as soon as possible.”

Symbolic – and huge

The first section of the Gasducto Néstor Kirchner, named after the late former president who preceded his wife in office, will extend 558 kilometres from Tratayén, Neuquén Province to Salliqueló, Buenos Aires Province. It would increase gas supply by 22 million cubic metres a day, said the government. 

A second section will extend another 467 kilometres northwards, reaching San Jerónimo. It will permit the natural gas to reach southern Santa Fe Province, penetrating the major urban and industrial centres of Central and Northern Argentina, as well as opening up the possibility of exporting to Brazil and Northern Chile.

In total, the new pipeline will increase Argentina's gas supply by more than 40 million cubic metre a day "supplying urban centres and industry in the centre and north of the country and giving the opportunity to export to Brazil and Chile," the Presidency said in a statement.

"The first objective of the pipeline is to replace imports, to replace all LNG [liquefied natural gas], and the second is to generate exportable amounts," said Energy Secretary Darío Martínez, who pointed out that last summer Argentina began exporting gas to Chile for the first time in 15 years, having reversed falls in production.

The construction of the Néstor Kirchner pipeline has ignited great expectations as representing another milestone along the road to achieving sovereignty as the answer to guaranteeing gas supplies for the winter of 2023.

The president’s visit on Thursday coincided with the 10th anniversary of the 2012 “nationalisation of YPF,” when Argentina’s Chamber of Deputies approved the law declaring fossil fuel self-sufficiency to be of “public utility” and expropriating 51 percent of the shares of YPF oil and gas, under the leadership of then-president Cristina Fernández de Kirchner.

In a nod to Fernández de Kichner, his vice-president with whom relations are frayed, the president praised her decision to put the state energy firm "under state management, signing an agreement with Chevron in which few trusted.” 

Thursday’s inauguration was attended by YPF top brass, national and provincial political leaders and businessmen of the energy sector like Pampa Energía president Marcelo Mindlin, who said that his construction company Sacde is prepared to participate in the tender. Techint have also confirmed their interest.

 “The new gas pipeline will change Argentina, the province of Neuquén and companies like Pampa, which are ready to invest,” Mindlin told journalists this week.

Vaca Muerta

The Vaca Muerta deposit holds unconventional gas which is harder and more expensive to extract than more conventional natural gas. The site is currently being exploited by around 20 firms in total, including state energy firm YPF and US giant Chevron.

The US Department of Energy rates the Vaca Muerta field, which extends over 30,000 square kilometres in Patagonia, as the world's second-largest shale gas reserve, and fourth in the world for shale oil.

Extraction from the site has slowed down in recent years due to the fall in the price of crude which made it less profitable due to the high costs of hydraulic fracturing to extract unconventional gas. Argentina must still import gas from Bolivia (12 million cubic metres per day in 2021) and LNG to meet its needs.

YPF increased its unconventional gas production from nine to 18 million cubic metres last year, said Pablo González, the president of the state firm. The company will be investing a total US$1.6 billion in Vaca Muerta this year for both gas and oil production, which it plans to increase by 40 percent.

Neuquén authorities and Vaca Muerta operators estimate that by 2030 they will be able to extract 140 million cubic metres of gas daily from the region.

In that context Tecpetrol CEO Ricardo Markous, sketched out the scenario lying ahead.

“Our estimate is that in the next five years Argentina should be producing 170 million cubic metres of gas with 140 million coming from Neuquén and almost a million barrels of oil, of which 750,000-800,000 barrels would come from the Neuquén Basin.”

Neuquén Governor Omar Gutiérrez offered similar projections of production growth during a recent talk in Houston, Texas.

The governor maintained that “for 2030 we are estimating a daily oil production of approximately 700,000 barrels. i.e. possibly tripling current oil production in eight years and also reaching a daily 140 million cubic metres of gas.”

Gutiérrez indicated that for 2023 the provincial projections for capitalising Vaca Muerta would be reaching an annual average of 80 million cubic metres of gas while in the case of oil a record historical daily production of 400,000 barrels is forecast for late next year.


Construction on the pipeline is due to start this August, from which point the growing volume of imports in months of high consumption will already start to be cut with the greater production of unconventional gas from Neuquén. The pipeline is already drawing investments from companies in the sector.

Argentina’s abundance of unconventional gas while lacking the capacity to transport it is considered to be one of the country’s great paradoxes. The current system of gas pipelines dates back between 40 and 50 years and becomes saturated in winter months, a bottleneck costing billions of dollars a year in imports. 

In order to meet peak demand in the coldest months, Bolivian gas or liquefied natural gas (LNG) via ships is imported at high international prices which have soared in recent months.

Delays, details and disputes

The tender for the construction of the Néstor Kirchner gas pipeline was long delayed, stuck on such key details as defining the number of work fronts at a time (between one and four) and hence the number of companies participating in the project, as well as the deadlines for the companies in the construction sector.

Last week there was a crossfire of accusations between current and previous officials as to why it has taken so long to construct an infrastructural work so key to Argentina’s energy balance.

On social media, former president Mauricio Macri said that he called for a tender towards the end of his government but that the surge in the parallel exchange rate (from 46 to 57 pesos per dollar) on the day after the PASO primaries scared off the investors.

Scrapped by the Alberto Fernández government on December 30, 2022, the tender was only reactivated last February, via an emergency decree, when the Ieasa (ex-Enarsa) company was granted a transport concession to undertake the pipeline as a public work.

 “It was this government which delayed by 26 months works clearly important for the development of our country,” said former energy minister Juan José Aranguren.

“Macri was incapable of constructing this highly necessary pipeline. On the contrary, he designed a tender so flimsy that it failed twice, thus delaying these works so important for our energy development,” fired back Martínez.

Ieasa’s formal argument for explaining the delay was that it was still working on clarifying the technical and engineering details to avoid confusion and thus be able to accelerate at a later stage. Yet the main reason is that the construction companies still have not decided among themselves how they are going to partition the project and hence the business opportunities. Time is a key variable because the more the construction of the pipeline is delayed, the more state funds must be allocated to importing fuel. Finally, last Wednesday was fixed by Ieasa as the date for the official presentation of the tender. 

The problem with multiple work fronts in order to accelerate the finalisation of the project was that there are very few companies with the financial, technological and managerial capacity to register for the tender. On that list figure Techint Ingeniería y Construcción, one of the subsidiaries of Paolo Rocca’s holding, and Sacde, the construction company owned by Marcelo Mindlin’s Pampa Energía, among the main ones. Other local firms like BTU also have marked expertise in the area of gas transportation. More construction fronts could bring in companies like Electroingeniería, Contreras and Cartelone, among others. 

The debate is between favouring a more even development of the whole local construction industry with multiple fronts versus the greater efficiency of centralisation, which could help the works to be concluded by next winter, thus saving the country millions in LNG and diesel imports.

Those who propose minimising the fronts argue that this also minimises the risks, pointing to the case of the Northeastern pipeline which decided to advance with various stages at once and in 2015 the project was paralysed when the Vertúa company abandoned the construction of a 230-kilometre stretch between Salta and Formosa, thus causing several years of delay.

The lack of resolution of this issue is what has put the brakes on launching the tender because within the sector there is agreement that without the definition of these technical details, the project should already have advanced. There was a tender in 2019 with the presentation of four offers which was stillborn. 

But the idea remains to accelerate the pipeline as much as possible because it will mean an automatic monthly saving of up to a billion dollars currently allocated to the import of substitute fuels.

The US clarified that the sanctions against Venezuela will only be discussed within the framework of the dialogue between Chavismo and the opposition in Mexico


The US clarified that the sanctions against Venezuela will only be discussed within the framework of the dialogue between Chavismo and the opposition in Mexico

Negotiation table in Mexico between the Government of Venezuela and the Unitary Platform of Venezuela (Europa Press)

Any decision by the United States to lift sanctions on the Nicolás Maduro regime, including in the oil sector, will be based on negotiations between the opposition and Chavismo in Mexico.This was stated by Juan González, the main adviser for Latin America to US President Joe Biden.

“It is very clear that on one side of the table are the Venezuelans who want a return to democracywhere there has to be a fair electoral process that determines the democratic self-determination of Venezuela, and on the other side there is a regime that is maintaining the status quoOur message, and it is something with which the international community is with us, is that any response from us will be based on the results of the dialogue table.”, González pointed out in an interview with WRadius.

The main adviser for Latin America was emphatic in stating that this is the position of the US and its allies in Europe. “The only route ahead is Mexico and the results in Mexico”, he reiterated.

González pointed out that they maintain a fluid dialogue with the interim government of Juan Guaidó and said that he is the primary interlocutor for Washington.

On March 7, Nicolás Maduro announced the reactivation “with great force” of a process of dialogue with the opposition, paralyzed five months ago.

The adviser in charge of Latin America in the White House, Juan González (EFE/Will Oliver)

Maduro ordered to suspend the negotiationswhich were carried out in Mexico, in retaliation for the extradition to the United States by Cape Verde of Alex Saab, a close collaborator accused of money laundering and designated as a front man for the Chavista president.

“The dialogue in Mexico received a tremendous blow as you know, but if we are asking for dialogue for the world we have to set the example in the country and we are going to reformat the national dialogue process”, Maduro indicated then in a speech broadcast on state television.

Alex Saab, who received Venezuelan nationality and a diplomatic title, had been named as a member of the government delegationso his extradition in October was seen as a reason to stop the process that began in August 2021 and that did not reach any relevant agreement.

At the 2021 meeting in Mexico, the parties signed a memorandum of understanding, but did not make much progress on their purpose. According to Gerard Blydechief negotiator of the interim government of Venezuela, the performance “was not good” because they only reached two agreements, which could not be installed either, such as the defense of the Essequibo and social care.

Keep reading:

Nicolás Maduro’s foreign minister said that the dictatorship seeks to dialogue with the United States

As more Venezuelan soldiers appear involved in crimes, the campaign of the Armed Forces to hide it grows

The Penal Forum denounced that in Venezuela there are 240 political prisoners

The article is in Spanish

This is not Normal